No More Weapons To Saudi Arabia

On Tuesday, President Trump is scheduled to meet with Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. The Crown Prince is seeking further US aid to the Kingdom to support its brutal, indiscriminate air campaign in Yemen. Since 2015, when the Saudis intervene in Yemen, more 10,000 Yemeni civilians have been killed, and 40,000 have been wounded. Eight million people are at risk of famine, one million likely have cholera, and two million have been internally displaced.


In short, Yemen is the worst humanitarian crisis in the world today, and it’s fueled by Saudi Arabia’s illegal and murderous intervention.


So in a climate like this, how can President Trump even consider giving more weapons and military assistance to the Saudis, on top of the $610 million America gave them in 2017. President Trump has famously said he wants to give a $110 billion military aid package to the kingdom. That would be the largest American military grant to one country since the Marshall Plan at the close of World War II.


The Marshall Plan was to rebuild all of Europe, and Trump’s $110 billion proposal is to enable the Saudis to further bomb Yemen into the stone age, and to create more misery in the Arab world’s poorest country.


I say to President Trump, please, Mr. President, stop the madness. I know you’re a maniac, I know you’re a racist, I know you’re not real bright, but even you can’t really be OK with the Saudis bombing Yemen into rubble and killing all those civilians.


So do the right thing, Donald, and stop this war now. Because the consensus is Saudi Arabia could not continue this war, at this level of engagement, without US military assistance and advice.


Step up, then, and tell Crown Prince Mohammed you won’t support his criminal war against Yemeni civilians. It’s time for you to get something right, and what could be better than ending a senseless war?


You might even earn some praise on Twitter or the cable news networks, which I know would make you happy.

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