Drones In The Skies Above Queens?

I’ve been listening to Neil Young all night, the song Sugar Mountain especially, and it’s an incredibly dope song. And for the last hour or so I’ve been chilling in the kitchen by the large window with the lights out, listening to Neil on my Google Home.


And all of a sudden I see this crazy hovering aircraft in the sky outside my kitchen window, and it’s got a white and red flashing light on either end, and it’s like nothing I’ve ever seen. It’s got a white and red flashing light at either end, and it’s hovering low in the sky, and it’s loud as hell. It’s literally like nothing I’ve ever seen.


Now it’s in the upper right corner of my window, and it’s just gliding along, with a white flashing light on the left side and a red solid light on the right side. It’s like no airplane or aircraft I’ve ever seen. It’s obviously not a UFO either I don’t think. It must be some kind of US military observer aircraft. Maybe it’s a drone of some type?


I start to wonder if this is what people in the Middle East feel like all the time. Just constant noise and crazy lights in the sky, and not knowing what’s coming next. I’m not worried for my safety. But if I was in the Middle East, maybe I would be. Because it’s scaring the s*** out of me, is what it’s doing. It’s also fascinating me by the way it moves through the night sky in a way I’ve never seen an airplane do before. What the f*** is it looking for?


Now it’s got a green light along with the red light and the white flashing light. The white light is flashing on the top, the green light is in the bottom left quadrant and the red light is in the bottom right. Now it’s streaking to the left across my window. What kind of aircraft is this? It’s absolutely incredible. I’ve never ever seen an aircraft move like this before. It must be some kind of incredibly US military machine that I’ve just never heard of or seen before. Now it’s fading away as it streaks away towards the left.


That was absolutely amazing. I have no idea what that thing in the sky was. But I rocked me, it moved me, and it made me feel alive. Thank God it meant me no harm, and that I’m in Queens, instead of in Yemen, where it might have launched Hellfire missiles at me and blown up my building.


I can only imagine what these children in war-torn lands where the US Flies drones constantly must feel like at night when the skies are lit up with machines that may or may not shoot missiles at them and break their bones and rip up their insides and kill their families. It must be absolutely terrifying.


I’ve seen some of the children survivors of drone strikes testify before Congress, and they’re all traumatized for life by what they’ve seen and experienced. The thing is, I liked Obama in a lot of ways, but I was so critical of him for expanding the drone program and killing thousands of people. And now I see why I was so critical, and why I felt my opposition on such a visceral level, because it’s just terrifying to see something in the sky that could potentially destroy you in a heartbeat. God bless the children of the Middle East.


It’s 2:43 a.m. now, a few minutes later, and this thing is still hovering above the skies to the left of my kitchen window, and it’s loud as hell, I repeat loud as freaking hell. It’s like terror by noise. It’s like power and oppression by noise. Terror and oppression by noise from the skies, and light from the skies. Because I can’t relax at all in my kitchen, which is the one nice place in my apartment where I have a big open window to look at the night sky.  But I’ve got this aircraft blazing through the night sky, looking terrifying as hell, lights flashing. And now it’s still hovering, and it sounds like rotors really close. But I know it’s not a helicopter. It looks like an oblong needle, with a red light flashing on the right side a white light flashing on the left side, and another light in the middle. What the f*** does it want with us? And now the green light just lit up.


This is Astoria, Queens, not Yemen or Somalia or Pakistan or Afghanistan or Iraq. But maybe this is the new normal. Military machines in the night sky, maybe there to protect us, maybe there to terrify us, who knows? But they’re there to establish their dominion, that’s for sure.


God bless us all.

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