Copper’s Corner: Special Edition From Seattle

So I’ve been in Seattle visiting my brother Ken for about ten days now, and it’s going well. The Pacific Northwest is one of the most beautiful parts of the country, and Seattle is an incredibly green and picturesque city.


I’m house sitting and cat sitting for my brother’s friends while they’re in Europe, so I’m sharing a 2-bedroom condo with Doodle, a 10-year old male, and Lola, his 10-year old sister.  Continue Reading

The Real Reason Singapore Is Hosting the US-North Korea Nuclear Summit

As a large portion of the world knows by now, US President Donald J. Trump and South Korean President Kim Jong-Un are set to meet in Singapore on June 12th for a summit on North Korean denuclearization. Kim has pledged that he will give up all further nuclear aspirations — while keeping his current small arsenal of nukes — in exchange for a promise by Trump not to seek regime change in North Korea.Continue Reading